The <tex2html_verb_mark>36<tex2html_verb_mark> command makes a grid of size <#99#><I>width</I><#99#> units by <#100#><I>height</I><#100#> units where vertical lines are drawn at intervals of <tex2html_verbatim_mark>#math90#<I>Δwidth</I>
and horizontal lines at intervals of <tex2html_verbatim_mark>#math91#<I>Δheight</I>. The major motivation
for this command is that making a grid in the picture initially can be
very useful when laying out pictures -- it's like having a graph underneath
the picture which can be eventually deleted or commented out. Moreover, one
might actually want a grid as an object in its own right! Figure~1 (on page
14) presents an example of this command.
The <#101#><I>width</I><#101#> and <#102#><I>height</I><#102#> should be divisible by their respective
<I>Δ</I>'s, otherwise the grid will not be of correct dimensions. The numbers
in <tex2html_verb_mark>37<tex2html_verb_mark> at the end are optional. Their absence makes a simple grid with
lines. Their presence makes a ``numbered'' grid with integers around the
borders where the numbers put have the starting value as specified in
<tex2html_verb_mark>38<tex2html_verb_mark> argument and are incremented by <tex2html_verbatim_mark>#math92#<I>Δwidth</I> and <tex2html_verbatim_mark>#math93#<I>Δheight</I> respectively. If specified, then these starting numbers must be
integers. The dimensions are all in units and do not have to be integers,
although in most cases one will want integers only. There is an additional
constraint when plotting a ``numbered'' grid --- the
have to be integers, since one cannot easily
generate real numbers from within T<SMALL>E</SMALL>X. None of the errors of this kind are
caught, hence, if the grid comes out funny, one of the above-mentioned
conditions may have been violated.
The <tex2html_verb_mark>39<tex2html_verb_mark> command produces a box and thus needs to be <tex2html_verb_mark>40<tex2html_verb_mark> at
the required coordinates. The reference point of the grid is the bottom-left
corner and the numbers along the borders, if any, do not affect the reference
point. If it is desired to have another reference point, then the whole grid
statement may be put in a <tex2html_verb_mark>41<tex2html_verb_mark> kind of